
Sunday Jan 20, 2019

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Out Tha Lab 1-19-19
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Was Mac Miller a Royalty or was Tone Loc Royalty or maybe Young Mc ? hmmm
Hammmer !!!! Hmmm

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Pushin Soul 1-12-19
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
This week Dj Dee-Poise & Hef Play alot new tracks from artist trying to get airplay world wide plus Neo soul ,funk ,soul

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Out Tha Lab 1-12-19
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Dj Dee-Poise and Hef return with music and news and a question does height matter it seems that a of famous people who are under 6ft are very successful .Hmm Plus news about Missy !!!!

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Side Hustle Radio 1-12-19
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Artist 1 Choice returns with Some exclusive music from his new album and give us some insight about why he wrote the some the songs. This is a artist with a message in his music that need to be heard from Australia to the United States because good music is universal. Also dont forget to checkout his Social Media @1choicemusic

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Soul hustle Radio 1-12-19
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Lu-Lu was born in San German, Puerto Rico on January 18, 1983. Her full name is LourdesMadera Tirado. She is the older of four and the only female. From a very young age, she showedher love for music and she won her first talent show when she was only 7 years old. Even whenher biggest passion is to sing, she admits that she also loves to dance. She grew up in a homewhere discipline rules were not negotiable and her father advise her to learn how to play aninstrument instead of learning how to dance. Lu-Lu learned how to play the clarinet when shewas 13 years old and she was part of the marching band until she fished high school and went tocollege. At the same time she was a student and a School of Arts for gifted children.
Her determination showed at a very early age. She stated receiving scholarships at the age of 10and she went to college at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez, until she joined the USARMY. Even when she cut her college days short, she continued pursuing her degree after shefinished her training in the US ARMY.
In the ARMY she becomes a forensics specialist. In 2015, after leaving the military life behind,she became a regional manager for a program that assisted Veterans to find employment and toreach their goals, based on their individuals’ necessities. She also became a defender ofVeteran’s rights and for 2 years she was the only Veteran member of the Workforce Boards in ElPaso TX.Among all her awards and recognitions, she treasures the moment in which, at the Women’smuseum in Fort Lee VA, she was recognized as the Most Successful Latina Soldier in the year2007. QUOTE:- “That year I felt that it was my moment. Years later, I realized that any momentcan be yours as long as you set your mind to be in the right path. Every once in a while, it’s ok ifthings don’t work out, because only then you will remember that your determination has nolimits”.
As part of her military career, Lourdes went to Iraq and Afghanistan. She also was a member of aspecial project JPAC, , (Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command) in which, along with forensicsanthropologist, they will go to countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Papua New Guineasearching for Soldiers that have not return home from The Vietnam War and the Cold War,among others.The same strength and love that she gave to the armed forces, she has given to music. She hashad the chance to be heard and complimented by artist such as Luis Fonsi, Victor Manuelle, JossFavela and Ana Barbara.She was a semifinalist on season 17 of Tengo Talento mucho Talento and she is the middle ofpromoting her first single Plan de Venganza, available now in all the music platforms.Lourdes has been happily married for 10 years and has 6 beautiful children, 4 that became part ofher from her husband previous marriage and 2 of their own.

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Soul Hustle Radio 1-6-19
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sugar Joiko is a strong, soulful musician. Her powerful range and soothing vocal talents make her a unique and fresh addition in the world of current and future music. With unprecedented confidence and the right attitude, Sugar Joiko continues to turn heads in the realm of Electronic and Pop culture.

Sunday Jan 06, 2019

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Out Tha Lab 1-5-19
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Back with more of the best hip hop of toda y and Yesterday and talk and News