
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Soul hustle Radio 4-22-18
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Bessie Smith was nicknamed the “Empress of the Blues”,Aretha Franklin was labeled “Queen of Soul". Whitney Houston,Madonna, Janet Jackson, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and a host ofother female artist have at one time or another held the title asthe “Queen Of Pop”. Mary J. Blige is highly regarded as the“Queen of Hip-Hop Soul”, while Lil Kim is affectionately knownas the “Queen of Hip-Hop”, but many say that Nicki Minaj mayhave dethroned her. But as we move into 2018 there is a newQueen on the rise, who is capable of wearing every last one ofthose crowns and she goes by the name of Na’Shay.Tiana Nashay Stewart was born in Tuscaloosa, Al. and wasintroduced to music at a very early age. Her mother, who was adrummer and musician in a blues band, would allow youngTiana to sit in on studio sessions and sing. As TT (which was herchildhood nickname) got older, she began singing at church in aquartet that consisted of herself, her mother, 2 aunts and hersister. Around the age of 13, TT started spending more time inthe studio with her mother, learning how to write song. WhenTT entered the 9 th grade, she was so fond of music that shedecided to take up music appreciation. The more Tiana beganto learn about music and how it was structured, the more shehoned her writing skills. Every day she would listen to herfavorite artist, which included the likes of Monica, Anita Baker,Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Gladys Knight, and R. Kelly. This
is when she was thoroughly convinced that being a recordingartist and performer was her destiny. Tiana started living withthe motto of becoming a superstar. She would often say toherself “I am going to sell millions of records, I am going tobreak records, I am going to show the world, that a little brownskinned girl from Tuscaloosa, Al. came be a superstar, andNa’Shay is who she will be”.Fast forward to 2015, Na’Shay hit the studio to start recordingwith a local producer by the name of Prince Kalub aka Y.A.Instantly they realized that they had an uncanning chemistry.Na’Shay with her exceptional writing skills and Y.A. with hiskeen ear for constructing & composing tracks that fit her wordsperfectly. As a result, some extraordinary material wasproduced. In 2015, Na’Shay featured on a song titled “Stand forSomething” by an artist named Zo. Also, in October of 2015,Na’Shay release a single title “Crazy Stupid Love”, whichreceived great reviews in her hometown and surroundingareas. But, on May 26, 2017 the day that the single and videofor “Henne” was released, that’s the day that Na’Shay startedto see her dreams manifest into reality. With over 5k views onYouTube in less than a week, along with several radio, internet,and mixtape dj’s playing her song, NaShay was gaining a largefanbase at a rapid pace. Upon, realizing the results of“Henne”Na’Shay knew she had to follow-up with somethingeven bigger and better. Na’Shay teamed up with D&RManagement to discuss ways to market and promote her nextsingle titled “Crushing”. They employeed the services of Sean
”Bigtyme” Little from Bigtyme TV to shoot/direct the videoalong with Na’Shay, and planned the perfect release date, Feb.14 th 2018, Valentine’s Day. With the promotional team workinghard behind the scenes to get the word out, the people areready and excited to hear and see the finished product, and youshould be excited too. Get ready world the new Queen hasarrived and her name is Na’Shay.

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Side Hustle Radio 4-22-18
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
New music Once again La Chat Beef with Cardi ? Hmmm New J Cole and more Side Hustle looking for more artist to interveiw hit us up sidehusteradio1@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Pushin Sou4-22-18
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Back at it with up and coming artist and classic R&b and Soul in the mix Goodtimes 4 sure !!! follow DEE-Poise @djdeepoise

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Out The Lab 4-22-18
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Dj DEE-Poise and Hef are back choppin it up about music and La Chat beef with Cardi hmmm.And playing Classic Hip hop tracks follow Dj Deepoise on everything !!!

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Soul Hustle Radioc 4-16-18
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
She is also Music Marketing Rep / Booking Agent Youngin and Carolina Dap Ft MGF Gotti Tracks "LATELY'
Its sad but true .. a lot of females can relate and the music,her song will move the hearts and their minds..."Jae Ranell" New release (Hurt Me Bad) is radio friendly and is enjoined all over the Internet and everywhere.
Her song is available on several platforms. April 13, 2018 You can Preorder Now.......April 13, 2018 Youtube spotify, tidal, you can stream or download on Itunes or Amazon Her radio single Serious Records Present Song Title : Hurt Me Bad Artist Name : Jae Ranell Jae Ranell the name comes from her fist name Jalene and Ranell is the middle name that gives us A Boss Chick who loves God, Family and Music!!
Loyalty means Everything To her! Natural Born Hustle Singer-Songwriter Recording Engineer|Celebrity Booking Agent| THE Entrepreneur. She has decided to take her density and gift, to be the voice for this next generation to discovery the benefits, of real love and real deception.
Which is what this world bring to those who are lost. Jae Ranell will be the woman to give hope and joy of what love, can do when you love yourself, and take care of the gift that God gave us to share and give to the world.
She has been influence by Sada and Whitney who tell the story of struggle and how to grow from pain and no longer hurt from their past mistakes and that Living is giving and giving is real Living. " (FACTS)"

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Side Hustle Radio 4-16-18
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
New Hip hop News And More of the week

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Pushin Soul 4-16-18
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
This week Dj Dee-Poise Hits you with more Classics mixed more new up and coming R&B artist in the mix follow him @djdeepoise on everything !!!!

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Out Tha Lab $-16-18
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
DEE-Poise & Hef back with more news and classic hip hop and they chop it up about the Starbucks Boycott

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Soul Hustle Radio 4-6-18
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
He’s a R&B singer who’s first release – entitled “Classified” – drops on July 4 and who lists among his influences Michael Jackson, Boyz 2 Men, Drew Hill and Whitney Houston.
Whitney Houston?
“It was her voice,” he said. “One of the things that I love are voices that are very strong and powerful. She was one of those who had that very powerful tone and her range was crazy.”
A 20-year township resident who recently moved to East Brunswick, Authentik (@JerZeeAuthentik on Twitter.com) has been singing since he was 5 years old, he said.
“I was singing in church, Ebeneezer Baptist Church in New Brunswick,” he said.
He continued to sing as he made his way through the township school system, where, he said, “I was always actively involved in the music programs.”
His studies at Westminster Choir College in Princeton were cut short after about a year and a half with the death of his father, but he did not lose his desire to sing.

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Side Hustle Radio 4-6-18
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
After hit and miss on connects and deadlines Deepoise & Hef finally got Seven Da Great on the show as we play a few tracks from his latest mixtape . And we chop it up about the hip hop biz in Memphis Tennessee . Follow him @sevendagreat on everything!!! Oh we also play new Cardi B track